That’s why we made this power supply for our Audioarts IP-12, DMX, Air 1 and Air 4 consoles, as well as Wheatstone TS-4 and TS-22 talent stations. We also make our own power supplies for LXE audio consoles and our WheatNet IP audio network line of products.
We roll our own power supplies so our products can start with clean power, which is the first rule of great audio performance and component longevity, after all. Everything down the line depends on steady, clean power, free from spikes and voltage drops, which is why we designed and build this new supply in-house at the Wheatstone factory.
We manufacture all our products under one roof in New Bern, NC, handling everything from machining, fabrication, and screening, to printed circuit board surface-mounts. Raw materials arrive in the back door and wind through the factory to be pressed, molded, wired, and tested, retested, and tested again before making their way out into the world as Wheatstone or Audioarts products.
600 Industrial Dr.
New Bern, NC 28562 USA
Main office +1 (252) 638-7000
Fax main office +1 (252) 637-1285
We are open Monday through Friday,
8:30 AM to 8:30 PM EST
600 Industrial Dr.
New Bern, NC 28562 USA
Main office +1 (252) 638-7000
Fax main office +1 (252) 637-1285
We are open Monday through Friday,
9:00 AM to 5:30 PM EST