VoxPro is unique. Out of all the recorder/editors in the world, only VoxPro integrates a dedicated ergonomic controller with purpose-created software designed expressly for use on-the-air to record, edit, and play clips in real time.
Whether you use it for call-ins, interviews, ad hoc comments or spots, all you need is a few minutes with it to realize why it has become the universal standard in radio broadcast studios.
VoxPro audio recorder/editor is the de facto standard for live radio recording, editing and airing of clips in on-air control rooms and newsrooms worldwide. With it, clips can be recorded, edited and aired in moments. VoxPro offers advanced features like automatic import, record and export functions as well as easy navigation AGC, customizable folders, and its trademark VoiceSlip effect for handling host/caller talk-over. Fast, reliable, and easy-to-learn, VoxPro comes in software with jog wheel in a separate controller or jog wheel integrated into the WheatNet IP audio networked LXE console surface.
Multiple hotkeys panels can be open simultaneously, each to a different page of hotkey cells. Remote access to hotkeys and all hotkey functions allows producer/talent teams to work together from different computers, one prepping and loading hotkeys, the other playing them to air.
The VoxPro ClipCleaner toolset includes spectral display, parametric EQ, de-esser, compressor, expander, limiter and noise gate for processing channels independently or jointly to clean and enhance the quality of noisy phone calls or other purposes (e.g. special effects).
FX Macros provide a means to store commonly used effects on a dedicated button, which can then be applied to your mix with a simple mouse click or using function keys. Once defined, you can chain FX Macros together in sequence.
As an example, suppose you commonly perform a particular sequence of operations on a phone call after it is recorded: normalize – apply favorite ClipCleaner preset – run GapBuster to tighten it up. You could assign each of these individual effects to a macro button, and then create an additional button which performs
all three in sequence.
Like Hotkeys and tracks in the File List, macro buttons can be color-coded according to your own needs.
The VoxPro AGC continuously monitors the signal coming in and turns up or down the volume as needed. The AGC is operational when recording and operates on each channel independently (for example, the caller may need to be boosted, but not the jock).
The pitch and tempo of a selected region to be changed in several ways: A voice can be raised or lowered in pitch without altering the time; a recording may be stretched or compressed in time without altering the pitch; or both effects can be applied simultaneously. Or, go retro and use it like classic analog tape, where speeding up the playback rate raises the pitch, and slowing it down lowers the pitch.
Callers often have moments of awkward silence. With VoxPro’s GapBuster, you can set thresholds for the length of time a pause in the conversation lasts and replace it with your own preset timing, automatically. Its algorithm makes for absolutely natural-sounding conversations.
VoxPro’s main window is laid out to give you an overview of your audio files as well as an editing window to get right to work with the audio you select.
VoxPro includes the WheatNet IP routing assignment buttons, background recording and editing indicators, and a detachable Hotkeys window.
VoxPro offers a full array of effects for creative editing. It gives you Chorus/Voice-Doubling, Compression, Distortion (for adding harmonics), Echo, Flanger, Gargle (which modulates the amplitude of the signal), Parametric EQ, and Waves Reverb.
As part of the Effects function, Adjust Volume changes the decibels on right channel, the left channel, or both channels during editing to allow you to achieve a balanced level. Handy when caller volumes fluctuate or when you are editing multitrack files.
Graphically and precisely position location of markers for editing interviews, sports games, et al. There is also support for Unicode labels.
Part of the Effects function, Adjust Volume changes the decibels on right channel, the left channel, or both channels during editing to allow you to achieve a balanced level. This feature is especially handy when editing multitrack files.
The MultiTrack Panel allows multiple audio files to be layered over the current active file. The top-most file in the MultiTrack Panel is the active file, displayed in its entirety. This is referred to as the “title track.”
VoxPro supports virtually any and every language and character set in the world. Regardless of which country on which continent you live, VoxPro can be localized.
VoxPro fully supports WheatNet IP, meaning all the benefits of the the Intelligent Network are available from within the VoxPro interface. Assign sources from anywhere on the network to on-screen WheatNet IP buttons. Selecting a source is as easy as pushing that button. Likewise, your VoxPro audio becomes a source available to any Blade or control surface on the network.
Because VoxPro was created specifically for live, on-air use, its editing interface is simple and intuitive for this purpose. It provides exactly the tools you need to edit the type of audio you are working with as fast and cleanly as possible, for immediate playback.
Networking VoxPro workstations is totally automatic and pain free. How simple is it? Put two or more computers running VoxPro on your station’s network and they automatically find each other, swap information and connect, allowing users to access their password protected accounts from those workstations.
With VoxPro, you can simultaneously record and play back audio. This is particularly handy when covering, for example, sports. Suppose you are recording a baseball game, but want to excerpt a teaser for news of a home run being hit. Nothing to it. Grab the audio, copy it, edit it, play it – all while the full game continues being recorded.
If you have a Wheatstone, Audioarts, or VoxPro product, you’re an important member of the Wheatstone family and we want to hear from you, whether you have questions or need technical support, we are here for you.
600 Industrial Dr.
New Bern, NC 28562 USA
Main office +1 (252) 638-7000
Fax main office +1 (252) 637-1285
We are open Monday through Friday,
8:30 AM to 8:30 PM EST
600 Industrial Dr.
New Bern, NC 28562 USA
Main office +1 (252) 638-7000
Fax main office +1 (252) 637-1285
We are open Monday through Friday,
9:00 AM to 5:30 PM EST