The M4IP-USB four channel mic processor Blade combines four high-quality microphone preamps, four channels of microphone processing, and four independent USB ports in a WheatNet IP audio Blade unit. This flexible unit can serve as a routable four-channel mic processor for any mic in the network plus serve as another I/O Blade in the WheatNet IP audio network with features such as logic control, utility mixers and silence detection. The M4IP-USB can also serve as a standalone four-channel mic processor, making it one of the more versatile units you’ll have in the rack room.
The M4IP-USB mic processor Blade is equipped with Super-Quiet (SQ) microphone preamplifiers and features high quality 24-bit A/D converters and a 96kHz base sample rate for absolutely no undesired coloration to the signal and to faithfully preserve the sound of any microphone and talent combination. It also features a four-section equalizer with high and low shelving EQ and two bands of fully parametric EQ, high and low pass filters, and de-esser and expander functions. The M4IP-USB can function as a standalone unit or be part of the WheatNet IP network as a fully functional Blade unit with built-in routing control, utility mixers and silence detection.
The M4IP-USB Blade 3 includes all the standard Blade 3 features and the M4IP-USB Blade 4 includes all the Blade 3 features as well as dual redundant network ports and power supply and dual clip players.
Talent Control Interface
Voice talent can activate his or her own personal sound at the press of a button using the Talent Control Interface, a special GUI designed for preset recall only. The Wheatstone Talent Control Interface software can reside on an air studio/control room PC and gives talent the ability to recall presets from any Wheatstone microphone processor without allowing processing adjustments.
For the M4IP-USB, the control screen has tabs for each of its four channels, making it exceptionally quick and easy to set up each of your announcers and see the differences in the settings. You have control over parametric EQ, de-esser, filters, compressor and downward expander. There are also high and low pass filters and an overall output limiter (so you are ready if a screamer steps behind the mic. M4IP-USB’s Control Software runs on an external PC and can be controlled remotely from anywhere there is an internet connection.
If you have a Wheatstone, Audioarts, or VoxPro product, you’re an important member of the Wheatstone family and we want to hear from you, whether you have questions or need technical support, we are here for you.
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600 Industrial Dr.
New Bern, NC 28562 USA
Main office +1 (252) 638-7000
Fax main office +1 (252) 637-1285
We are open Monday through Friday,
9:00 AM to 5:30 PM EST