Time Lapse of Complete Studio Install

AgileInstall200Here's an excellent time-lapse video of the installation of new studios at SYN (Student Youth Network) in Melbourne, Australia! Those consoles are Audioarts IP-12 control surfaces, networked via Wheatstone's WheatNet-IP Intelligent Network. The installation was managed by Wheatstone's Australian dealer, Agile Broadcast.

In early 2013, after a successful fundraising campaign combined with a generous grant or two, SYN Media was able to upgrade their two existing radio studios and build a third to facilitate training and a separate, DAB+ broadcast. The upgrades were carried out by Agile Broadcast.

Shot on:
GoPro Hero2
GoPro Hero3
Canon 6D

Music: "Tech Ride" by Marc C. Nichols Productions
Produced by Mike Young.


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