Page 8 - IP Audio for TV Production And Beyond
P. 8

              Countdown To The Big Game
 Live remotes are what keep broadcasters up at night. heading out to the remote site for some pre-game fun with
But a er nine years of extravagant remotes the
week before the NFL’s Big Game, Jim Hibbard of Paci c Mobile Recorders knows to expect the unexpected and is prepared like a Boy Scout! He’s the audio engineer responsible for The Dan Patrick Show NFL remote every year. Any pops, clicks, or dropouts of any kind will be heard by some 1.2 million weekly sports fans tuning into The Dan Patrick Show during the week preceding the Big Game.
In just a few months, Jim Hibbard will be packing several hundred pounds of audio necessi es onto pallets and
all the guests that arrive that week in an cipa on of the Big Game itself. It’s never too early to start planning.
Jim will no doubt be dealing with all the usual issues: arranging IFB between producer/talent/director in three geographic loca ons, ge ng phone calls and bumper music from the show’s studio in Connec cut to the talent at the remote site, and handing o  audio to the show’s syndicator, Premiere Radio Networks, as well as to its television producer, the DirecTV Audience Network. The show is also seen on the NBC Sports Network .

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